Cafe Shakey's 外苑信濃町(カフェシェーキーズ)【公式】



昔よく通っていた"シェーキーズ"の カフェver.で チョー久々のシェキナベイベー♥"シェーキーズ"と言えば 何と言っても"ザーピー" サイズが(L)(M)(S)と選べるのも嬉しい♥まずは "ペパロニ・ベーコン・ビーフ・ソーセージ"がライドオンした "スペシャルミート"♥ピザ窯で焼き上げた熱々は最高♥生ルービーの ハートランドもグビグビ イッちゃいますね♥

おつまみに 定番の 揚げたてサクサクの"フレンチフライ"に 同じく揚げたてで 衣はサクサク 身はジューシーなフライドチキンに 濃厚なチーズソースがかかった"チーズフライドチキン" ちょいとピリ辛な"トマトサルサ"を付けて頂いたらいい感じ♥

お口直しにもピッタリな "彩り野菜のピクルス"♥"セロリ・ミニトマト"の定番野菜から "柿・牛蒡・みょうが"など 和洋野菜が漬けられて それぞれの味の違いと 食感の違いも楽しいです♥

豚肉やレバーなどをミンチにして焼き上げた"パテドカンパーニュ"♥肉の味が濃厚で美味 "マスタード"を付けて ピリ辛風を頂くのもオツですよ♥

どんだけ"芋好き"なのよと言わんばかりに "チーズフレンチフライ"を追加(笑)チーズフライドチキンと同じチーズソースが 揚げたてサクサクのフレンチフライにかかって濃厚な味わい これは"コレ"でアリですね♥

せっかくなので もう1枚"ザーピー"を♥青カビの"ゴルゴンゾーラ"など 3つのチーズを使った"トリプルチーズ"♥熱々のズーチーはやっぱり最高 塩気がいい感じで むしろ"蜂蜜"も ちょっと欲しくなっちゃうけど これは"コレ"でマイウー 美味しくいただきました♥

(Translated by Google)
At the cafe version of "Shakey's" that I used to go to a long time ago, I had a Shekinababy for the first time in a long time ♥ When I think of "Shakey's", I'm glad that you can choose "Zarpie" size (L), (M), (S) ♥ First of all, "Special Meat" with "Pepperoni, Bacon, Beef, and Sausage" on it ♥ The piping hot food baked in the pizza oven is the best ♥ Heartland with raw ruby ​​will also make you cum ♥

For snacks, we have the standard freshly fried "French fries", "Cheese fried chicken" which is also freshly fried, with a crispy coating and juicy meat, topped with a rich cheese sauce, and a slightly spicy "tomato salsa". Feels good ♥

``Colorful pickled vegetables'' that are perfect for refreshing your palate ♥ From standard vegetables such as ``celery and cherry tomatoes'' to Japanese and Western vegetables such as ``persimmons, burdock, and ginger'', it's fun to see the different tastes and textures of each pickled vegetable. ♥

"Paté de campagne" is made by mincing pork and liver and grilling it ♥ The meat taste is rich and delicious. It's also a great dish to have it with "mustard" for a spicy taste ♥

Just to show you how much I love potatoes, I added "cheese French fries" (lol) The same cheese sauce as cheese fried chicken is poured over the freshly fried crispy French fries for a rich flavor.This is definitely the one. ♥

Since I had the chance, I had one more "Zarpie" ♥ "Triple cheese" made with three cheeses including blue mold "Gorgonzola" ♥ The piping hot zuchi is definitely the best. It has a nice salty taste and I would rather have a little "honey", but this one... It was delicious with "this" ♥
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